los, m. (gs. & npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Lit: (a) Point, tip. ~ bachaille, trostáin, tip of crozier, of staff. (b) Tail. ~ luchóige, mouse’s tail. 2. Lit: Natural increase, produce; result. Beodhíle gona ~, livestock with their produce. 3. El: Terminal. ~ caibe, spade terminal. 4. (In phrases) As ~, ar ~, de ~, i ~, as a result of, on account of, by virtue of. Ba chara dóibh é as ~ a mhná, he was friendly with them on account of his wife. As ~ a nirt, by reason of his strength. I ~ croiche Críost, in virtue of the cross of Christ. As a ~ sin, on that account. Lit: Ar aon ~, on purpose.