luigh faoi, v.i. Lie under; submit to, bear burden of. Luí faoi smacht, to yield to authority. Luí faoi chosa daoine, to let people walk over one. ~ siad go humhal faoi chánachas, they bore the burden of taxation meekly. B’éigean domsa luí faoin gcostas, I had to stand the cost. ~ fút! Lie down! Nau: Luí faoin ngaoth, to cast off the wind.
Duine a chur faoi luí na ~e, to put the screws on s.o.
Luí faoi bhris, to endure a loss; to accept a bad bargain.
Gan luí a thabhairt faoi dháil ar domhan, not to take an oath before any tribunal whatsoever.
Luí faoi ~, to submit to indignity.
(Corp) ina luí faoi ghradam, (a body) lying in state.
Níl a shárú faoi rás, faoi rothaí, faoi luí, na gréine, there’s nothing better than it under the sun.
Luí ar leaba, sa ghaineamh, faoi scáth crainn, to lie on a bed, in the sand, under the shade of a tree.