To pocket an affront, luí faoi easonóir.
I must bear the blame, mise a chaithfeas luí faoi.
Parcel hung up in transit, beart atá ina luí in áit éigin faoi bhealach.
To suffer, pocket, an insult, luí faoi tharcaisne.
I was led to the conclusion that. . ., tháinig mé ar an tuairim go . . . cuireadh ina luí orm faoi dheireadh go . . .
Iron: Left to the tender mercies of . . ., fágtha faoi luí na bíse ag . . .
To put the screws on s.o., to tighten the screw, teannadh ar dhuine, duine a chur faoi luí na bíse.
He sank to the ground, luigh sé faoi.
I swear by my armour, luím faoi m'arm.
What in the world is the matter with you? cad é faoin spéir, faoi luí na gréine, atá cearr leat?