An bhuíon is mó, the majority, the dead.
Bhí ~ na ndaoine sásta leis, the great majority of the people were satisfied with it.
3. Dul faoi uisce an cheatha, (i) to go with the (foolish) majority, (ii)
~ na ndaoine, the majority of the people.
A bh~ mór, an ~ mór acu, the vast majority of them.
Bhí an tromlach linn, the majority was with us.
An mhórchuid de na daoine, ~ na ndaoine, the majority of the people.
Dul ar an ~, to join the great majority, to die.
Tá siad ar shlua na marbh, they have joined the great majority.
Dul leis an ~, to follow the crowd; to act with the majority.