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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: mála · ala · mada · malar · Malay
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
mala, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). Brow. 1. (a) Eyebrow. Na ~í a chruinniú, to knit ones brows. Dhearc faoi na ~í orm, he looked at me from under his eyebrows, sombrely, questioningly. Dfhágfainn an mhala ar an tsúil aige, Id settle his hash for him. S.a. muc 5. (b) Le hallas do mhalaí, by the sweat of ones brow. 2. (Of hill) Brow; slope, incline. ~ a thógáil, to climb a slope, a hillside. In éadan na ~, against the hill, uphill. Ar mhala shléibhe, on a mountainside. (Níl a fhios agam)ó mhala na glóire, (I dont know) under heaven.
As ~ a mhalaí, by the sweat of his brow.
~ staighre, mala, head of stairs, of incline.
~ a chur i déadan, i do mhala, to scowl.
Do mhalaí a chrapadh, to knit ones brows.
Mala, fána, chrochta, steep incline, decline.
Chruinnigh na malaí, he puckered his brows.
Mala, aill, ghéar, steep slope, cliff.
Malaí ~a, bushy eyebrows.
Bhí ~ ar a mhala, his brow was clouded.
cuir ~ i do mhala, i déadan, leis, dont frown at it; dont look so sulky about it.
Ghruamaigh a ghnúis, a mhala, his face, his brow, darkened.
~ a chur ort féin, ar do mhala (le duine), to knit ones brows, scowl (at s.o.).
~ ar mala, beetling of brow, scowl.
Tháinig ~ ar gach mala aige, he frowned darkly.
Chuir ~ ar a mhalaí, he knit his brows.
Malaí ~a, beetle brows.
mala ~ le tógáil againn, we have a steep hill to climb.
Chuir roic ina mhalaí, he puckered his brows, frowned.
mala mhór romhainn go fóill, there is a steep incline still ahead of us.
sháraím an mhala seo, if I manage to get over this incline.
Bain an ~ de do mhala, take the sullen look off your brow.
Bhí ~ ina mhalaí, he was knitting his brows.
Mala, cnoc, a thógáil, to ascend an incline, a hill.
Malaí ~a, heavy eyebrows.
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