ob1, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). 1. (a) Refuse, decline; shun, shirk. Bia, tairiscint, a ~adh, to refuse food, an offer. Ná hiarr troid agus ná h~ í, you should neither seek nor shun a fight. Fin: Seic a ~adh, to dishonour a cheque. (b) ~adh do, to renounce, reject. Ag ~adh dá n-oifig, rejecting their office; refusing to carry out their functions. 2. Fail. D’~ tú orm, you failed me.
ob2, int. ~, ~! No, don’t! No, no!
Fleá gan obadh d’~, a feast which no one declines.
Ní fhéadaim ~ ná hé a bhaint as, I can’t move it in the least.
Ní raibh ~ ná hé as, there wasn’t a move, a squeak, out of him.
Bhí ~ ann agus ~ as aige, he was between two minds about it.
Thug sé ~ ar éirí, he made as if to get up.
Bhí sé ar ~ imeacht, he was about to leave.
~ a thabhairt do, ar, dhuine, to refuse s.o.
~ troda, refusal to fight.
Fógra obtha, notice of dishonour.