ocht1, num. s. & a. Eight. 1. m. (gs. ~, pl. ~anna). (a) (In counting; usually preceded by particle a. See a3) A h~, eight. A h~ déag, eighteen. Fiche a h~, a h~ is fiche, twenty-eight. Céad (is) a h~, one hundred and eight. A h~ is a h~, eight and eight. (A) h~ nó (a)naoi de thithe, eight or nine houses. A h~ a chlog, eight o’clock. Caibidil a h~, chapter eight. (b) Trí ~, three eights. Faoi ~, eight times, eightfold. (c) Cuir isteach an t-~ ina dhiaidh, insert the (figure) eight after it. An t-~ muileata, the eight of diamonds. Roinn ina n-ochtanna iad, divide them into eights. 2. (Followed by sg. or pl. of noun and pl. of adj.; eclipses) ~ gcaora, n-uan, eight sheep, lambs. ~ n-uaire déag, eighteen times. ~ mbliana is daichead, forty-eight years. ~ gcéad duine, eight hundred persons. Na h~ n-úll ghlasa, the eight green apples.
ocht2 = ucht.
Carria ocht m~, stag of eight points.
3. Na hocht m~, the eight beatitudes.
Bád ocht m~, eight-oared boat.
Bréid ocht g~, 800-thread frieze.
Mála ocht g~, eight-stone bag.
Cuirfidh siad ~a, ceithre ~a, na hocht gcosa, faoin scéal, they will lend wings to the story.
Port, bachta, ocht bh~, bank (of turf) eight sods in depth.
Ocht ~ de rud, eight ninths of sth.
~ an chaipín deirg, an ghamhna bhuí, mhadra na n-ocht gcos; ~ ó Shamhain go Bealtaine, long-drawn-out story, rambling tale.
(A) ~ nó (a) hocht de leathanaigh, seven or eight pages.