Tá airgead agat orm, I owe you money.
Tá sé ~ aige ort, you owe it to him.
Tá punt agam air, he owes me a pound.
Is é mo chomaoin gar a dhéanamh dó, I owe him a good turn.
Tá an ~ amuigh agat orm, I owe you a service.
Tá an ~ amuigh aige orm, I owe him a good turn.
Dlitear díom é, it is incumbent on me; I owe it.
Dlím mo cheart díot, you owe me my rights. (ii)
Tá ~ beag agam air, I have a small claim against him; he owes me a little.
Má tá rud le héileamh agat orm, if you have any claim on me; if I owe you something.
~a a bheith ag duine ort, to owe s.o. a debt.
Cad é a thabhaigh an onóir seo dom? To what do I owe this honour?