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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: peac · péacú · péan · péas · péic
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péac1, f. (gs. péice, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Peak, point. ~ an chairn, the pointed top of the cairn. 2. Sprout, shoot. ~a plandaí, shoots of plants. Fig:~ ón áibhirseoir, limb of Satan. 3. Thrust, prod, dig. ~ de phíce, thrust of pike. Tabhair ~ den scian dó, jab him with the knife. ~ a thabhairt faoi dhuine, to give s.o. a dig. 4. Spurt, effort. Thugamar ~ faoin obair, we had a go at the work. Tá sé i ndeireadh na péice, he is completely exhausted; he is at his last gasp.
péac2, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha).1. Sprout, shoot, germinate. Plandaí, prátaí, ag ~adh, plants, potatoes, sprouting. Ag ~adh ó fhréamh, shooting up from the root, stooling. 2. Prod, thrust at. Na ba ag ~adh a chéile lena n-adharca, the cows prodding each other with their horns. Ná bígí ag ~adh a chéile mar sin, don’t be needling one another like that.
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