~ (mine) coirce, oatmeal porridge.
~ (mine) buí, Indian-meal porridge.
~ lom, thin porridge, gruel.
Brachán ~, cold porridge.
~ leitean, spoonful of porridge.
~ mhine coirce, mhine buí, oatmeal, Indian-meal, porridge.
~ leamhnachta, milk porridge.
Brachán, pota, a mheascadh, to stir porridge, a pot.
5. Bainne, brachán, glóthach, ~, thick milk, porridge, jelly.
Leite a ramhrú, to thicken porridge.
~ leitean, mess of soft porridge.
~ leitean, thick porridge.
Leite ~tha, thick porridge.
Tá an leite ag táthú, the porridge is thickening.
Lig don leite ~adh, let the porridge set.