Cosain, díon, ar, protect, secure, against.
Sinn a chosaint ó bhaol, ar olc, to protect us from harm, from evil.
An leanbh a chosaint ar an tine, to protect the child from the fire.
Claí cosanta, protecting fence.
Bhí sé ag cumhdach a mhic, he was protecting, trying to keep the blame from, his son.
Dia ár gcumhdach, God protect us.
D~ ár gcumhdach, ár gcoisreacan, God protect, bless, us.
Duine a dhídean, to shelter, protect, s.o.
Dia ár n~, God protect us.
Go ndéana Dia ~ dúinn, God protect us.
~ chosanta a chine, the protecting hand of his race.
An ~ a chosaint, to protect the king (at chess).
Rinne siad ~ dá sciatha ina dtimpeall, they enclosed themselves within a protecting wall of shields.
Ba iad ~ chogaidh na tíre iad, they were the protecting warriors of the land.