ród1, m. (gs. & npl. róid, gpl. ~). 1. Road. Tharla dom sa ~ í, I met her on the road, on my way. 2. Roadstead. Bád a chur ar ~, chun róid, to moor a boat. Téad róid, mooring-cable. S.a. cloch1 1(d), feistiú 2(a), gearr1, líon2 1.
ród2, m. (gs. & npl. róid, gpl. ~). Rood. ~ talaimh, rood of land.
Cam díreach an ród is é an bealach mór an t-~, ‘the longest way round is the shortest way home’.
~ liom sa ród, take the road along with me.
ancaire, róid, théide, anchor stone.
An ~ sa ród, the straight part of the road.
~, ~ róid, a chur, a thabhairt, ar bhád, to moor a boat.
Chuir sé ~ róid air féin, he took up a firm stance.
Ghabh sé tharam sa ród, he passed me on the road.
~ róid, úisc, stormy petrel.
~ fionraí, róid, mooring-net.
Fear siúlta an róid, a man who walks the roads, an itinerant.
~ tíre, ~ róid, mooring-rope.
Fear ~ta an róid, wayfarer.