rob, m. (gs. & npl. roib, gpl. ~). Mischievous or pet animal; pet.
Tuí, sraith, na háithe a chur ar an muileann, to rob Peter to pay Paul.
Cuid an bhodaigh thall ar an m~ abhus, robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Bhainfeadh sé an bhraillín den chorp, he would rob a corpse of its winding-sheet; nothing is too mean for him.
Cuid den chadhain seo a chur sa chadhain (úd) eile, robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Nead a choilleadh, to rob a nest.
~ slí a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to waylay s.o.; to rob, cheat, s.o.
Phlucáil sé air é, he robbed him of it.
~ tithe, banc, robbing of houses, of banks.
~ chaoch, robbing without having the ace of trumps in hand.
1. Duine, áit, a ~, to rob a person, a place.
~ sé airgead uaim, he robbed me of money.
Neadacha a ~, to rob nests.
Tá mé ag ~, I am robbing, I have the ace of trumps.
Shlad siad ár maoin shaolta, they robbed us of our worldly goods.