2. ~ báistí, ceatha, leatha, síne, rainbow.
~ síne (i mballa), weathered surface, damp patch (in wall).
Tá ~ síne, gaoithe, isteach sa doras againn, the storm, wind, is beating full against our door.
~ síne na haimsire, tendency of good and bad spells of weather to offset each other over a period.
~ gach síne sioc, frost is the worst weather.
~ síne, sheltering grove, shelter-belt.
~ síne, unsettled state of weather.
Dul in aghaidh na síne, to face the storm.
Taobh na síne, weather side.
Doras na síne, door exposed to wind and rain.
Searrach i ndiaidh na síne, ‘a foal (frisking) after the storm’, a person preening himself after the event.
~ aimsire, síne, fair, favourable, weather.