scag, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). 1. Strain, filter. Bainne a ~adh, to strain milk. 2. Drain off. Leacht a ~adh, to clear liquid. Ag ~adh fíona, racking wine. Ór a ~adh, to wash out gold. 3. Refine. Siúcra a ~adh, to refine sugar. 4. Sift, screen. Fianaise a ~adh, to sift evidence. An fíor a ~adh ón mbréag, to separate the true from the false. 5. Derive, spring (from source). Na teangacha as ar ~adh an Ghaeilge, the languages from which Irish derives its origin. An dream as ar ~adh é, the people from whom he sprang.