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Focail chosúla: scoilteach · scaoileadh · scileadh · sciteadh · scoitheadh
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Seans gur foirm é scoilteadh de: scoilt »
scoilteadh, m. (gs. scoilte). 1. vn. of scoilt2. 2. Fission, scission. Med:~ ribe, splitting of hair-ends.
Tá ~ an chupáin scoilte, the rim of the cup is cracked.
1. ~ scoilte, parting (in hair).
~ scoilte a chur i do chuid gruaige, to part one’s hair.
~ scoilte, cloven hoof.
Rud a scoilteadh le ~, to split sth. with a wedge.
Adhmad, carraig, a ~eadh, to split wood, a rock.
An t-adamh a ~eadh, to split the atom.
Prátaí a ~eadh, to cut potatoes into sets.
Tá mo cheann á ~eadh, my head is splitting.
Gruaig a ~eadh, to part hair.
Ag ~eadh bréag, spouting lies.
Scaireanna a ~eadh, to split shares.
An mámh a ~eadh, to split the trumps (by holding one or more in reserve).
Páirtí, cumann, a ~eadh, to split a party, an association.
Scoilteadh ~, thermal fracture.
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