Fuair sé ~ reatha, he was made to run the gauntlet, was severely treated.
Oíche dheannachtach, severely, bitterly cold, night.
Thug siad ~ don ghasúr, they ill-treated, severely injured, the boy.
Ag ~t go dian, suffering severely.
Rachaidh sé ~ go maith orm, it will test me severely; it will leave me no time to spare.
Is ~ a thomhais sí an bia linn, she rationed the food severely among us.
Rinneadh ~ crua orm, I was severely indicted.
~ siad mo leabhar as a chéile, they slashed my book to pieces, severely criticized my book.
Ní ag cur ~ orthu atá mé (ach), I don’t want to be severely critical of them (but).