An croí a bhogadh aige, to soften his heart.
Rud a bhogadh le teas, le cuimilt, to soften sth. with heat, with rubbing.
~ le huisce te é, soften it with warm water.
Dath a bhogadh, to soften, tone down, colour.
An croí a bhogadh i nduine, to soften, move, s.o.’s heart.
~ croí, softening of heart.
Rud a chur i m~, to soften sth.; to make sth. easier (to understand, etc.).
Buille, drochscéal, a mhaolú do dhuine, to soften a blow, bad news, for s.o.
Do ghuth a mhaolú, to lower, soften, one’s voice.