spreagadh, m. (gs. -gtha, pl. -gthaí). 1. vn. of spreag. 2. Urging, incitement; incentive, encouragement; excitation, stimulus. ~ a chur i nduine, to rouse, incite, s.o. ~ intinne, mental stimulation. ~ feirge, provocation to anger. ~ na colainne, excitation of the body. ~ ceoil, lively (playing of) music. An ~ nach bhfuair sé, the encouragement he didn’t get. S.a. lus. 3. Ph: Impulse. 4. Lit: Rebuke, reproof.
Croí duine a mhealladh, a spreagadh, to beguile, stir, s.o.’s heart.
~ súgach, ~ spreagtha, asparagus.
Duine a ~adh le rud a dhéanamh, to inspire s.o. to do sth.
An pobal a ~adh, to rouse the people.
D’intinn a ~adh, to stimulate one’s mind.
An chuimhne a ~adh, to jog the memory.
Mianta a ~adh, to excite passions.
Ní bhfuair mé le ~adh é, I couldn’t prevail on him.
Ceol a ~adh, to inspire music; to play, sing, with spirit.
Ag ~adh na dtéad, twanging the strings.
Ag ~adh Béarla, rattling away in English.
An peacach a ~adh, to admonish the sinner.
Ag ~adh a choireanna dó, reproaching him for his transgressions.