sult, m. (gs. suilt). Satisfaction; enjoyment, pleasure; amusement, fun. 1. (Of food, etc.) ~ a bhaint as do chuid, to enjoy one’s food. Bia a bhfuil ~ ann, food that can be enjoyed. Tá ~ a choda air, he has a well-fed look. Ná bain a shult as, don’t take the good out of it. Deoch a ól faoi shult, to have a drink in comfort. Más ~ leat é, if you find it to your liking. 2. ~ a bhaint as cuideachta, to enjoy company. Tá ~ ina chomhrá, it is a pleasure to hear him talk. Duine gan ~, uninteresting, cheerless, person. Ní raibh mórán suilt sa lá, the day was not very enjoyable. Ag déanamh suilt, amusing oneself, having fun. Rinne sé ~ don chuideachta ar feadh na hoíche, he kept the company happy all night. S.a. sáimhín1 1.
Go n-aghaidh suilt, with a pleasant face.
Bheith ar do sháimhín só, ar do sháimhín suilt, to feel happy and at ease; to enjoy oneself in comfort.
Tá ~ agus sult sa bhia sin, there is satisfaction and pleasure in food like that.
Startha suilt, humorous anecdotes.