tiomnaigh1, v.t. & i. 1. Bequeath. Maoin a thiomnú do dhuine, to bequeath property to s.o. 2. Enjoin (do, on), command. Mar a thiomnaigh Dia dúinn, as God commanded us. 3. Commend. Tiomnaím m’anam do Dhia, I commend my soul to God. 4. Dedicate. Eaglais a thiomnú, to dedicate a church. Leabhar a thiomnú do dhuine, to dedicate a book to s.o. Tiomnaithe do na mairbh, sacred to the dead. 5. Delegate, entrust. Cúram, údarás, a thiomnú do dhuine, to delegate responsibility, authority, to s.o.
tiomnaigh2, gsm. of tiomnach.