Thug siad ~ ar na hairm, they tried to grab the weapons.
~ géar, faobhair, sharp, edged, weapon.
~ airm, the bloodying of weapons; armed attack. (Of horse)
Arm déise, pointed weapon.
Ní ghabhfadh arm é, no weapon could injure him.
Rogha ~, choice of weapons.
~ cogaidh, gaisce, bristling war-weapons.
Arm a ~t, to ply a weapon.
~ airm, the employment of a weapon.
~ arm, plying of weapons.
Arm, scáth fearthainne, a iompar, to carry a weapon, an umbrella.
Duine a ionsaí le harm, to attack s.o. with a weapon.
Gléas maraithe, lethal weapon.
~ gaisce, use of weapons; feat of arms.
Arm a phromhadh, to prove a weapon.
Reanna agus faobhair, pointed and bladed weapons, spears and swords.
~ deilge, faobhair, point of thorn, of edged weapon.
Níl ~ airm againn, we haven’t a single weapon.