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biseach, m. (gs. -sigh). 1. (Of health) Improvement, recovery. ~ a fháil (ó thinneas, ó ghortú), to recover (from an illness, an injury). Tháinig ~ air le gairid, he has improved of late. Tá ~ maith inniu air, he is much better today. Tá ~ anois air, aige, he is now recovered. Fuair mo lámh ~, my hand (has) healed. ~ a dhéanamh do dhuine, to cure s.o., restore s.o. to health. Rinne an deoch ~ dó, the drink cured him, made him feel better. ~ a chur ar do shláinte, to improve one’s health. ~ an bháis, relief before death. An ~ fada, the long surcease; death. 2. (a) Increase. Tá ~ ar luach eallaigh, there is an increase, an improvement, in the price of cattle. Tá an saothrú ag dul i m~, ar ~, earnings are increasing. Rud a dhíol ar ~, to sell sth. at a profit, at a premium. Go dté sé ar ~ duit, I wish you joy of it. Ní dheachaigh sé ar bláth ná ar ~ dó, he gained nothing by it. ~ ar airgead, increase, interest, on money. Cúig faoin gcéad de bhiseach, five per cent interest. Bannaí bisigh, premium bonds. Anois an bhfuil ~ agat? Are you better off, are you satisfied, now? ~ ar theaghlach, an increase in a family. Tá ~ orthu, they have a new baby. Tuilleadh bisigh ort! (i) Good for you! (ii) Iron: Bad luck to you! Bliain bhisigh, leap year. Lá bisigh, intercalary day. S.a. 11. (b)De bhiseach ar (fheisteas), to go with, to set off (an attire).
Tá ~ bisigh air, he shows signs of improvement.
Ar ~ bisigh, beginning to improve (in health).
Ar ~ agus ar biseach, prospering and increasing.
Níl ~ ná biseach air, he is chronically ill.
Athrú, biseach, ~, slight change, improvement.
Bhisigh sé ina shláinte, ina ghné, he improved in health, in appearance.
Bhisigh an saol ó shin, times have improved since then.
Go dté sé ar ~ agus ar biseach duit, may you succeed and prosper with it.
~ bhisigh, leap year.
~ bhisigh, ~ inlao, in-calf cow.
~ agus biseach, expansion and increase.
~ agus biseach, principal and interest.
Biseach ~, hundredfold increase.
Tá na barra ag cur leo féin ó bhisigh an aimsir, the crops are progressing since the weather improved.
Tá biseach ar an tír i gcúrsaí fostaíochta, there is an improvement in the country in regard to employment.
Biseach, an tsláinte, a fháil, to get well, get one’s health.
Tá a bhiseach ar ~, he is past recovery.
~ (chun) bisigh, a turn for the better.
~eadh sé amach airgead ar biseach, he used to lend money at interest.
Biseach ~, marked improvement.
Is ~ a bhisigh sé, he has improved greatly.
Biseach ~, natural improvement.
Biseach, fáltas, ~, considerable increase, acquisition.
An biseach a tháinig as an airgead, the interest that accrued from the money.
Níl aon bhiseach ag teacht di fós, she is not getting any better yet.
Tá eagla orm go bhfuil a bhiseach ~, I fear he is beyond recovery.
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