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cíor1, f. (gs. círe, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Comb. (a) (Implement) ~ mhín, gharbh, fine, large-toothed, comb. ~ chinn, chúil, hair-comb. ~ chapaill, curry-comb. (b) Crest. ~ coiligh, cockscomb. ~ clogaid, crest of helmet. ~ cnoic, crest of hill. ~ mhullaigh tí, ridge of roof. (c)Tá ~ mheisce air, he is flushed with drink. (d) (Of things set in a row) ~ fiacla, set of teeth. ~ lámhaigh, crenellation. ~ mheala, honey-comb. ~ rotha, toothing of wheel. ~ tairní, row of nails. S.a. corrán 1. 2. Cud. An chíor a chogaint, to chew the cud. 3. ~ thuathail, confusion, bewilderment. Tá an teach ina chíor thuathail acu, they have everything in the house turned upside down. Tá mé i mo chíor thuathail ag na páistí, the children have me moidered.
cíor2, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha).Comb. 1. Do cheann, do ghruaig, a chíoradh, to comb one’s hair. Capall a chíoradh, to curry a horse. Olann a chíoradh, to comb wool. ~tha cóirithe, well-groomed. Prov:Ceann ~tha a dhíolas na cosa, good grooming compensates for defects of person. Prov:Is doiligh ceann catach a chíoradh, it is hard to comb a curly head, to smooth away difficulties. 2. Examine minutely, search. Ceist a chíoradh, to discuss a question minutely. Ag ~adh na comharsan, discussing, backbiting, one’s neighbour. Ag ~adh na tíre ar a lorg, combing out the country in search of him. 3. Bhí na mná ag ~adh a chéile, the women were pulling each other’s hair, fighting, quarrelling.
cíor3 = ciar2.
Tá a ~ is a cíoradh uirthi, she has to fend for herself.
Do cheann a chíoradh, a bhearradh, to comb, cut, one’s hair. (Of measurement)
Cíor do cheann is ná bí i do chiafart mar sin, comb your hair and take that unkempt appearance off you.
Ceann gan chíoradh, uncombed head; unkempt person.
~ olla, woolcombing.
~ is slámadh, combing and teasing,
Fágaimis ~ an scéil fúthu féin, let us leave it to themselves to discuss the matter in detail.
Thug sí a chíoradh dó, she gave him a dressing down.
Ag ~t na círe, chewing the cud.
~ na círe, rumination.
~ círe, serrated hook.
Cíor eabhair, ivory comb.
Fiacla círe, sáibh, teeth of comb, of saw.
Gach ~ den scéal a chíoradh, to discuss every aspect of the matter.
Cíor do ghrágán, comb that mop of yours.
Cíor mhín, fine comb.
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