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díon1, m. (gs. dín, pl. ~ta). 1. vn. of díon3. 2. Protection, shelter. (a) (From elements, from infiltration of water) Dul faoi dhíon, ar ~, to take cover; to seek shelter. ~ a chur i rud, to make sth. watertight. ~ in éadach, i mbróga, waterproof quality in clothes, in shoes. Níl ~ deoire ann, it gives no protection from water, from rain; it is porous, leaky. Prov:Is ~ an crann fad is ~ dó féin é, a tree provides shelter, but only until it becomes saturated. (b) (From harm) ~ agus dídean, shelter and refuge. ~ agus daingean, a protection and a bulwark. Dul ar, faoi, dhíon duine, to place oneself under the protection of s.o.; to shelter in s.o.’s house. Go ndéana Dia ~ dúinn, God protect us. (c) (Of person) Bheith i do dhíon do dhuine, to be a protector of s.o., to afford shelter to s.o. ~ na lag agus na ndeoraithe, shelterer of the weak and the wanderer. S.a. brat12 (b), dos11. 3. (a) Covering. ~ a chur ar rud, to cover sth. against the elements. (b) Roof. ~ tuí, slinne, leacán, thatched, slate, tiled, roof. ~ diallaite, saddle-backed roof. Chuir sé ~ ar an teach, he roofed the house. S.a. cloch11(f).(Var:gs. & pl. ~a)
díon2, s. (In phrase) Ag cur de dhíon is de dheora, pouring rain, raining cats and dogs.
díon3, v.t. 1. Protect, shelter; cover against elements. 2. Make watertight; proof. 3. Roof, thatch. 4. Immunize.
díon4 = díol13.
Cosain, díon, ar, protect, secure, against.
~ dín na mbocht, protector of the poor.
~ dín, protective covering.
Ag bualadh ar an díon, beating against the roof.
~ (dín), line of twigs binding eaves (of thatched roof).
Ag ~ ar an díon, clattering, pattering on the roof.
~ dhín, mhullaigh, phréacháin, spideoige, cope-stone.
Chnag sé an díon le cloch, he struck, rattled, the roof with a stone.
~ ar chathaoir, as an díon, é, hang it on a chair, from the roof.
~ áirse, dín, the pitch of an arch, of a roof.
Díon ~, high-pitched roof.
~ dídine, dín, refuge, sanctuary; one used as a foil.
Rinne sí ~ dín de, she made a cat’s-paw of him.
Claibín, cóta, díon, deannaigh, dust-cap, -coat, -guard.
~ dídine, dín, sheltering bush.
~ dhín, skylight.
~ dín, roof-garden.
Bhí sé ina dhíon os ár gcionn, it formed a roof over our heads.
Tá sé ag iompar an dín, it carries the roof.
~ áirse, dín, support of arch, of roof.
~ dín, urláir, teallaigh, roof, floor, fireplace, tile.
Tá an díon ag ~ean isteach, the roof is leaking.
~ dín, valley (in roof).
Duine a shábháil, a dhíon, a shaoradh, a fhuascailt, a tharrtháil, ó rud, to save, shelter, free, deliver, rescue, s.o. from sth.
Bhí an fhearthainn ag ~eadh den díon, the rain was cascading off the roof.
Uisce ag ~eadh den díon, water dripping from the roof.
~eacha na gcloch ar an díon, the clattering of stones on the roof.
~ anuas den díon, come down off the roof.
Tá an díon ~ acu, they have put on the roof.
Díon a thrusáil, to truss a roof.
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