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dúil1, f. (gs. & npl. ~e, gpl. dúl). 1. Element. (a) (Of creation) Na ~e, the elements; creation. Rí na ndúl, the King of the elements, the Lord of creation. Adhradh na ndúl, elemental, nature, worship. Lit: Na ceithre ~e (aer, uisce, tine, talamh), the four elements (air, water, fire, earth). (b)Ch: Element. 2. Created thing, creature. ~ ainglí, chré, dhaonna, angelic, earthly, human, being. Gach ~ bheo, every living thing. ~ de dhúile Dé, one of God’s creatures. An ~ bheag bhocht, the poor little thing. ~e fiáine, wild creatures, wild life.
dúil2, f. (gs. ~e). 1. Desire, fondness, liking, craving. ~ a bheith agat i rud, to have a taste, a liking, for sth. ~ a chur i rud, to take a liking to, get a longing for, sth. ~ i mbia, relish for food. ~ i ndeoch, hankering for drink. ~ i dtobac, craving for tobacco. Ith, ól, é má tá ~ agat ann, eat, drink, it if it is to your taste. Tháinig ~ agam ann, I got to like it. Tá ~ san airgead aige, he is fond of money. Tá ~ mhór ag na daoine ann, the people are very fond of him. Tá ~ a anama sa cheol aige, he is passionately fond of music. ~ chráite, mhire, mhallaithe, mharfach, torturous, raging, unholy, consuming, desire. Má tá ~ agat imeacht, if you wish to go. Bain do dhúil as, take all you want of it; satisfy your craving for it. 2. Expectation, hope. ~ a bheith agat le rud, to expect sth. Tá ~ (as Dia) agam go dtiocfaidh sé, I hope (to God) he will come. Mar dhúil, mar i n~, (is) go, in the hope that. Nuair nach raibh ~ linn, when we were not expected. Do dhúil a bhaint de rud, to cease to expect sth. Bhain mé deireadh ~e de, I gave up all hope of it. Bhain mé ~ dá rath, I gave him up as a failure. 3. (As vn. ) Bheith ag ~ le rud, to desire sth.; to expect, hope for, sth. Tá siad ag ~ lena gcuid, they are waiting to be fed. Tá sé ag ~ le bean, he is hoping for a wife. Táimid ag ~ abhaile leis, we expect him home.
Tá dúil na n-~ aige ann, he is passionately fond of it.
Tá dúil agam ann, I desire it.
Tá dúil aige san ól. Is iomaí duine ar a ~. He is fond of drink. It is a common affliction.
~ do shúil, do dhúil, de, cease to expect it.
~ dúile, fola, baptism by desire, by blood.
Duine ~, dúil bheo, living person, creature.
2. Do bhinid a chur i rud, a chur amach le dúil i rud, to take a craving, a longing, for sth.
Níl dúil sa cháidheadas agam, I don’t like filth, obscenity.
Dúile a chomhcheangal, to combine elements.
Suim, dúil, a chur i rud, to take an interest in, a longing for, sth.
Dúil dhomhanda, earthly creature.
Dúil san ~, fondness for adventure.
Dúil, iarraidh, gan fháil, vain expectation, request.
~ (agus fraoch) na spéire, na ndúl, the fury of the heavens, of the elements.
Dúil ~ fháil, unfulfilled expectation.
Ghlac dúil sa bhia mé, I took a liking to the food.
An ~ atá ar na dúile, the order of the elements.
Níl dúil san obair aige, he has no liking for work.
Dúil sa ~, love of learning.
Dúil mhallaithe, unholy, inordinate, desire.
Dúil mharfach, violent desire.
Tá dúil mhillteach aige san ól, he is terribly fond of drink.
Tá dúil as ~ aige ann, he is exceedingly fond of it.
~ na ndúl, the fury of the elements.
Dúil ~e, intense desire.
~ na bhflaitheas, na reann, na ndúl, the King of heaven, of the heavenly spheres, of the elements.
Dúil a shásamh, to gratify a desire.
~ dúile, gratification of desire.
Is ~ an dúil atá acu san ól, they are awfully fond of drink.
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