divide1, s.Geol: Dobhardhroim m -oma.
divide2 . 1 v.tr. a Roinnim (oidhreacht). To divide it into parts, a roinnt ina choda. He was divided between hatred and pity, níor threise an fuath ná an trua aige. Parl: To divide the house, vótáil a dhéanamh. b (Share out) Dáilim, roinnim amach(among, ar). We divide the work among us, roinnimid an obair eadrainn. c Mth: Roinnim. Twelve divides by three, tá dó dhéag inroinnte ar thrí. d Dealaím, scaraim(from, ó), e Tarraingím imreas (idir daoine). House divided against itself, teaghlach ina mbeadh imreas, nach mbeadh ag tarraingt le chéile. f Opinions are divided, níltear ar aon aigne. A divided mind, aigne idir dhá chomhairle. 2 v.i. a Roinneann(into, i); (of road) gabhlaíonn. b Parl: Vótálann.
They are divided amongst themselves, tá easaontas eatarthu féin.
To divide sth. into four parts, rud a roinnt ina cheithre chuid.
To divide expenses in equal proportions, costas m a roinnt ina chodanna cothroma.
To divide sth. in(to) quarters, rud a roinnt ina cheathrúna.
Sharply divided, idirdhealaithe go soiléir.
Divided skirt, sciorta scoilte.
To divide a map into squares, léarscáil a roinnt ina cearnóga.