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eolas, m. (gs. -ais). 1. Knowledge. (a) Range of knowledge. Ár gcuid eolais (ar Dhia, ar an saol, orainn féin), what we know (of God, of life, of ourselves). An té is mó ~, the most knowledgeable person. Lucht (an) eolais, those who know; the learned, the expert. Díobháil eolais, lack of knowledge. Dul thar d’~, to go beyond the range of one’s knowledge. (b) Practical understanding. ~ a chur, a fháil, ar rud, to acquire a knowledge of sth. Tá ~ ar an obair aige, he knows the work. Den obair an t-~, skill is half the work. Tá ~ air, there is a knack in it. Tá an t-~ aige, he has the know-how. Tá sé ar ~ agam, I know, have learned, it. Tá mé ina ~, I am familiar with it. Is beag a ~ ar an Laidin, he has little knowledge of Latin. (c) Close acquaintance, familiarity. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to get to know, to know about, s.o. Duine breá é dá mbeadh ~ agat air, he is a fine person if you knew him well. Tá aithne agus ~ agam air, I know and understand him; I know all about him. Níl aon duine ar m’~ is fearr liom ná é, I know of nobody I like better than him. Tá mé in ~ duine a dhéanfadh é, I happen to know s.o. who would do it. Prov:Ní h~ go haontíos; ní thig ~ gan aontíos, if you want to know me come and live with me. (d) Information. ~ a iarraidh, a lorg, to seek information. Más ~ atá uait, if you want to know. Ní hé sin an t-~ a fuair mé, that is not the information I got. De réir m’eolais, according to my knowledge. Ar feadh m’eolais, as far as I know. Tá cuma an eolais air, he has a knowledgeable appearance. Oifig eolais, information office. (e) Knowledge of etiquette. Is é an t-~ é, it is the informed thing to do. Ní den ~ é, it is not polite. 2. Knowledge of ways; direction, guidance. Duine a chur ar an ~, to set s.o. on the right road; to direct s.o. An t-~ a dhéanamh do dhuine, to guide s.o. Teacht ar an ~, to find the way. ~ áite a chur, to ask for directions to a place. Tá ~ na háite aige, he knows his way to, about, the place. Duine a chur dá ~, to misdirect s.o. Chaill mé m’~, I lost my sense of direction, my way. Réalta eolais, guiding star. Méar eolais, finger-post. Cuaille, maide, eolais, signpost.
~ chun eolais, thirst for knowledge.
Níl ~ ná eolas agam air, I have no acquaintance with him, I know nothing about him.
Ar feadh m’eolais, as far as I know.
Bhí siad as a n-eolas, they had lost their way.
An té is lú eolas, the least knowledgeable person.
Eolas an bhealaigh a chur, to ask one’s way.
Thug sé eolas an bhealaigh dom, he put me on the right road, showed me where to go.
Tá brainsí (eolais) aige, he is acquainted with a variety of subjects.
Tá mé ar bhreis eolais anois faoi, I know more about it now.
Tá ~ maith eolais aige, he has a good share of knowledge, is well-informed.
De cheal eolais, for want of knowledge.
3. ~ eolais, sign-post.
~ eolais, a little knowledge.
Eolas ~, exact knowledge.
~ eolais, signpost.
Do chuid leabhar, eolais, your books, knowledge.
Eolas a chur, to seek information.
Eolas a chur ar rud, to get to know sth.
Bhí eolas acu ar dhála a sean, they knew how things had been with their forefathers.
An ~ ag déanamh an eolais don ~; an ~ ag giollacht an daill, the blind leading the blind.
Léann, eolas, a dhéanamh, to practise learning, knowledge.
Rinne sé eolas an bhealaigh dom, he directed me on my way.
Tá ~ eolais aige air, he knows all about it.
Áiteanna diamhra do-eolais, remote and unknown places.
Eolas a dhíolaim, to gather knowledge.
Staidéar, eolas, ~, deep study, knowledge.
Slua, eolas, acmhainn, an domhain, vast crowd, knowledge, resources.
Tá an ~ leabhar, eolais, aige, he has a vast collection of books, store of knowledge.
~ eolais, na fírinne, absence, lack, of knowledge, of truth.
~ airgid, eolais, lack of money, of knowledge.
~ eolais, key to knowledge.
Eolas ~, wide knowledge.
Le ~ an léinn, an eolais, with the growth of learning, of knowledge.
Ar ~ m’eolais, mo chuimhne, as far as I know, remember.
~ eolais, well of knowledge; source of information.
Eolas a fhorleathadh, to disseminate knowledge.
~acha an eolais, the roots of knowledge.
Cruinniú, ordú, eolas, téarma, ~, general meeting, order, knowledge, term.
Eolas ~, heathen lore; sorcery.
Ba ghlas m’eolas air, little I knew of it.
~a beaga eolais, little crumbs of knowledge.
Eolas ~, clear, accurate, information.
Ag ~ eolais, fishing for information.
Tosach eolais ~, we learn by inquiry.
Eolas imshaoil, environmental studies.
Eolas ~, seekable knowledge.
Eolas iomraill, mistaken information.
eolais, thirst for knowledge.
~ chainte, eolais, a lot of talk, of knowledge.
Eolas a ~adh, to spread knowledge.
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