mairg1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. Woe, sorrow. Bheith faoi mhairg, to be afflicted, to sorrow. Mairgí móra, great calamities. Is iomaí rud ag cur ~e orthu, there are many things troubling them. Ná cuireadh sin ~ ort, don’t let that bother you. Ní dhearna sé ~ ar bith de, it didn’t cause him the least concern; he made no bones about it. Níl lá dá mhairg orm, I don’t regret it a bit. Is é an duine gan mhairg é, he is such an unconcerned, easy-going, man. Is iomaí ~ a bhaineann an saol as duine, the world is full of woe. Mo mhairg! Alas! 2. Woeful, miserable, person. Is í an mhairg í, she is to be pitied; she is such a miserable creature. 3. (With copula) Is ~, it is a pity, alas (that). Is ~ don té a rinne é, woe to him who did it. Is ~ a bhíos gan deartháir, it is sad to be without a brother. Is ~ a d’iarrfadh ciall ar pháistí, it would be foolish to expect children to have sense. Is ~ nach mbíonn foighne aige, one ought to have patience. Is ~ a bheadh ina mhuinín, I shouldn’t like to depend on him. Is ~ a labhair, I am sorry I spoke. Is ~ nár fhan sa bhaile, I wish I had stayed at home. Is ~ gan cabhair againn, it is a pity we have no help. Nach ~ nach raibh a fhios agam? How I wish I had known! Lit: ~ ár mná, woe betide our women.
mairg2 : marg2.
Níl ~ ná mairg air, nothing troubles him.
Is mairg a mbeadh doicheall roimh dheacair aige, one should face up to one’s troubles.
Is mairg a thugas ~ don óige, one should not disparage youth.
Is mairg a d’~fadh ciall ort, it would be foolish to expect you to have sense.
~, is mairg a labhair! Oh, I’m sorry I spoke!
Níl ~ ná mairg ann, he never complains; he is extremely quiet, subdued.
Is mairg a bheadh ag déanamh ~ dó, he has no intention of dying just yet.
Mairg dó ~ liomsa, woe to him if he should come up against me.
Is mairg a thaobhódh lena chabhair, I wouldn’t like to depend on his help.
Is mairg a loiscfeadh a thiompán leis, it would be a pity to waste one’s last resource on it.