saoire. 1. f. (gs. ~). (a) Lit: = saoirse2. (b) Feast, church festival; day of rest, sabbath. Domhnach agus lá ~, Sunday and holy day. ~ an Domhnaigh, Sunday rest, sabbath. Ní lá ~ an Domhnach acu, they work even on Sundays. Lá ~ a dhéanamh, to take a day off from work. Tá an lá inniu mar an t~ againn, we have nothing to do today. Ag déanamh ~ do na mairbh, abstaining from work out of respect for the dead. Iron: Is mairg a bheadh ag déanamh ~ dó, he has no intention of dying just yet. An t~ a choimeád, a bhriseadh, to keep, to break, the sabbath. (c) Vacation, holidays; leave of absence. ~ bhliantúil, bhreoiteachta, annual, sick, leave. Bheith, dul, ar laethanta ~, to be, to go, on holidays. Lá ~ a thógáil, to take a day’s leave. Lucht ~, holiday-makers. Éadach ~, holiday attire. Sch: Bliain ~, sabbatical year. 2. gsf. & comp. of saor3.
~ na laethanta saoire, holiday time.
Dá mbeadh sé beagán níos saoire, if it were a little cheaper.
Tá tú ag ~eadh na saoire, you are breaking the Sabbath, working on a holy day.
Tá sé de cheart agat saoire a ghlacadh, you are entitled to take a holiday.
~ an dlí, na saoire, observance of the law, of holy days.
An Domhnach, lá saoire, a dhéanamh, to observe the Sabbath, a holiday.
Saoire a thabhairt don ~, to ’give the devil a rest’, stop swearing.
Scolaíocht, laethanta saoire, do pháistí, schooling, holidays, for children.
Saoire fhada, long vacation.
Lá saoire a fhógairt, to declare a holiday.
Laethanta saoire a ghlacadh, to take holidays.
~ saoire, holiday resort.
Ba shaoire dom é a cheannach, it would be cheaper for me to buy it.
Bhí an ~ ar laethanta saoire, the school was on holidays.
Ní thugann siad ach coicís saoire sa bhliain, they only give a fortnight’s holidays in the year.
Lá saoire a thógáil, to take a holiday.
~ na laethanta saoire, the holiday period.