offer1, s. Tairiscint f -eana. I made an offer of a pound to him, thairgeas punt dó. Com: I made an offer of twenty pounds for the horse, thairgeas fiche punt ar an gcapall. That is the best offer I can make, ní féidir liom cur leis an tairiscint sin. Offer of marriage, ceiliúr m pósta.
offer2 . 1 v.tr. a Tairgim. To offer s.o. sth., rud a thairiscint do dhuine. To offer (up) prayers to God, guí le Dia, chun Dé. To offer a sacrifice to . . ., íobairt f a ofráil chuig . . . To offer oneself for a post, post a iarraidh; cur isteach ar phost. To offer one's flank to the enemy, cliathán a thabhairt leis an namhaid. To offer battle, cath a thabhairt do (namhaid). I offered to do it, thairgeas a dhéanamh. b To offer an opinion, do bharúil a thabhairt. c It offered a grand spectacle, ba bhreá an radharc é. d Déanaim iarracht ar, tugaim faoi. He offered to strike me, thug sé iarraidh bhuailte orm. Th: 'Offers to go', tugann obainn ar imeacht. 2 v.i. Tagann, éiríonn. If a good occasion for it offers, má thagann an áiméar air; má bhíonn faill air.
To put an affront on s.o., to offer an affront to s.o., masla cainte a thabhairt do dhuine; lasadh a bhaint as duine.
Bona fide offer, tairiscint dháiríre.
To offer a reasonable excuse, leithscéal leor a thabhairt.
I don't fancy his offer, ní thaitníonn a thairiscint rómhaith liom.
To offer s.o. food, bia, greim lena ithe, a thairiscint do dhuine.
She offered to set him free, thairg sí é a scaoileadh óna ghealltanas.
Free offer, tairiscint dheonach.
Free-will offering, ofráil dheonach.
To improve on s.o.'s offer, tairiscint duine a shárú.
To jump at an offer, glacadh le tairiscint de léim.
Laughable offer, tairiscint áiféiseach, gan dealramh.
He leapt at the offer, ghlac sé de léim leis an tairiscint.
Liberal offer, tairiscint fhial.
He might have offered me a drink, is iomaí a leithéid a thairgfeadh deoch do dhuine.
Lit: To offer one's meed of praise, an moladh a bhí tuillte a thabhairt.
He offered his mite, thairg sé an beagáinín a bhí aige.
To nibble at an offer, bheith ag braiteoireacht faoi ghlacadh le tairiscint.
Burnt offering, íobairt f loiscthe.
To put up a prayer, to offer prayer, paidir f a rá.
Reasonable offer, tairiscint chothrom, réasúnta.
To offer resistance to s.o., sth., cur in aghaidh duine, ruda.
To offer (up) sth. as a sacrifice, rud a ofráil mar íobairt.
The offer is not to be sniffed at, ní díol neamhshuime an tairiscint.
He offered it spontaneously, thairg sé dá dheoin féin é.
I'll make you a sporting offer, seo dhuit tairiscint nach miste dul sa seans léi.
To offer a stiff resistance, seasamh go teann (in aghaidh ruda).
To make, offer, a suggestion, moladh a dhéanamh; comhairle a thabhairt.
To turn down an offer, diúltú, cur suas, do thairiscint.
To offer a general view of the subject, léargas ginearálta a thabhairt ar an ábhar.
Votive offering, ofráil mhóideach.