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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for jump »
jump1, s. 1 a Léim f. To take a jump, léim a thabhairt, a ghearradh, a chaitheamh. High jump, léim ard. Long jump, léim fhada. F: Jump in prices, daoirsiú m tobann. b Bearna f (i sraith). 2 Preab f. That gave me a jump, bhain sin preab asam. To keep s.o. on the jump, duine a choinneáil ar a mhine ghéire. 3 Turf: Equit: Léim f, claí m. To put a horse over a jump, capall a chur thar claí. Race-course with jumps, ráschúrsa faoi chlaíocha.
jump2, I v.i. 1 Léimim. To jump off a wall, léim (anuas) de bhalla. He jumped down my throat, thug aghaidh a chraois orm. To jump at an offer, glacadh le tairiscint de léim. To jump to a conclusion, dóigh a dhéanamh de do bharúil. 2 a Preabaim. It made me jump, bhain léim, preab, asam. b (Of tool) Preabann. That gun jumps, bualadh sa ghunna sin. II   jump, v.tr. 1 Léimim (claí, abhainn). He jumped the stairs, chuir an staighre dhe d'aon léim amháin. (Of engine) To jump the metals, imeacht ó na ráillí. (Of gramophone needle) To jump the groove, imeacht as an bhfeire. 2 a Cuirim (capall) ag léim, bainim léim as (capall). b Bill: To jump a ball off the table, liathróid a chur de léim den bhord. 3 Gabhaim seilbh ar (thalamh, etc.) gan chead, graibeálaim. Min: To jump a claim, réimse lamháilte a ghabháil, a ghraibeáil.
When I opened the door a man jumped in, nuair a d'oscail an doras léim an fear isteach.
He jumped backwards, chaith léim i ndiaidh a chúil.
He jumped his bail, bhris a bhannaí.
To see which way the cat jumps, féachaint cén cheard a shéidfidh an ghaoth.
Clean jump, léim ghlanoscartha.
Jumping cracker, pléascóg phreabach.
To jump for joy, bheith ag léimneach le háthas.
F: To jump out of the frying-pan into the fire, dul ó theach an diabhail go teach an deamhain.
To give a jump, léim a thabhairt, a chaitheamh, a ghearradh.
Hop, skip and jump, preab, coiscéim agus léim.
To jump about, bheith ag bocléimneach, ag leipreach.
Aut: Rail: Jump in! isteach leat! istigh de léim!
To jump out of bed, preabadh, léim, amach as an leaba.
I nearly jumped out of my skin, is beag nár thit an t-anam asam.
(Of engine) To leave, jump, the metals, imeacht ó na ráillí.
To jump on (to) the table, léim (suas) ar an mbord.
Running jump, léim f reatha, rothaig.
Sp: Scissor jump, léim siosúir.
To jump sideways, léim i ndiaidh do thaoibh.
She was staked on the jump, stróiceadh sa léim í.
Gym: Turning jumps, léimeanna guairneánacha.
To jump up, éirí de chothrom talún.
With a dart, a jump, etc., de sciotán, de léim, etc.
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