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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for party »
party, s. 1 Páirtí m. Political party, páirtí polaitíochta. The Labour Party, páirtí an lucht oibre. Party warfare, achrann m páirtí. 2 Pleasure party, cóisir f. Will you join our party? an dtiocfaidh tú isteach sa chomhluadar seo? We are a small party, is beag againn atá ann. I was one of the party, bhí mé ar dhuine den chomhluadar. He gave a party, bhí daoine ar cuireadh aige. 3 a Buíon f (lucht taistil), meitheal f (oibrithe). Rescue party, buíon tharrthála. b Mil: Meitheal f. The advance party, meitheal thosaigh. 4 a Jur: Party to a dispute, páirtí m i gcúis. b Com: To become a party to an agreement, conradh a shíniú. A third party, an tríú duine. Third-party insurance, árachas tríú duine. c To be (a) party to a crime, bheith páirteach i gcoir. To be no party to sth., gan lámh ar bith a bheith i rud agat. d A party of the name of Walsh, duine de Bhreatnach.
To accede to a party, dul isteach i bpáirtí, gabháil le páirtí.
Accession to a party, dul m i bpáirtí.
He was an active party to it, he took an active part in it, bhí lámh bheo san obair aige.
To adhere to a party, leanúint do, taobhú le, p(h)áirtí.
Adhesion to a party, cloí m, taobhú m, le páirtí.
Advance party, slua m tosaigh.
To own allegiance to a party, bheith faoi ghéillsine ag páirtí.
To cast off one's allegiance to a party, imeacht ó pháirtí, scaradh le páirtí.
a.Bridal party, lucht m bainise.
Colour party, garda m brataigh.
The parties concerned, na daoine atá i gceist.
High contracting parties, ardpháirtithe chonartha.
Com: Contracting party, páirtí m conartha.
Pej: Deal between parties, uisce faoi thalamh idir daoine.
To bring two parties face to face, dhá dhream a thabhairt i láthair a chéile.
Fatigue party, buíon f giotamála.
Firing party, meitheal lámhaigh.
The damages go to the injured party, don té a ndearnadh éagóir air a dhlitear an cúiteamh.
The government party, páirtí an rialtais.
A party of six guns, seisear foghlaeirí.
He identified himself, became identified, with the party, thug sé le taispeáint go raibh dlúthbhaint aige leis an bpáirtí.
The Labour Party were in, Cumann Lucht Oibre a bhí i réim.
The injured party, an páirtí díobhálaithe; an té ar rinneadh an éagóir air.
Third-party insurance, árachas don tríú duine.
Interested party, páirtí leasmhar.
The interested parties, na daoine a bhfuil a leas i dtreis ann.
Interested parties, lucht éisteachta a raibh spéis acu sa scéal.
To join a party, dul isteach i bpáirtí; dul le páirtí.
The Labour party, (páirtí) an Lucht Oibre.
Pol: There was a landslide from the party in the election, thréig na daoine an páirtí ina dtuile sléibhe sa toghchán.
He is the life and soul of the party, is é croí na cuideachta é.
The general lines of the party's policy, príomhairíona fpl pholasaí an pháirtí.
F: The party machine, eagraíocht f an chumainn.
Will you make one of the party? an mbeidh tú linn?
He was the mouthpiece of the party, is é a labhair ar son an pháirtí.
Parties in opposition, páirtithe in aghaidh a chéile.
Pol: The Radical Party, An Páirtí Raidiceach.
It will be a real party! cóisir ar dóigh a bheidh ann.
Reconnaissance party, gasra taiscealaíochta.
Reconnoitring party, gasra taiscéalaíochta.
The new party was largely recruited from the poor people, is iad na bochtáin is mó a tháinig isteach sa pháirtí nua.
Relief party, gasra sealaíochta (ar lucht oibre).
Rescue party, lucht m tarrthála.
Scouting party, scata m scabhtála.
Select party, dream beag ar leith.
To show oneself at a party, do cheann a chur isteach ag cóisir.
Small party, scata beag.
Party spirit, díograis f do pháirtí; meanma pháirtí.
To split a party, easaontas a tharraingt i bpáirtí; páirtí a scoilteadh.
The party split into three groups, rinne trí dhream scartha den pháirtí.
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