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talamh, m. & f. (m. gs. -aimh, f. gs. talún; pl. tailte). Earth, ground, land. 1. The earth. Neamh agus ~, heaven and earth. Ar ~, on earth. Má tá áras ar ~ acu, if they have any abode on earth. Ar dhroim talaimh, talún, on the face of the earth. Go ndéantar do thoil ar an ~, thy will be done on earth. S.a. clár17(c), droim 1(b), neamh11, tonn12. 2. Surface of the earth. An t-aer is an ~, earth and sky. Chuala an t-aer is an ~ é, the earth resounded with it. Céad míle in airde ón ~, a hundred miles above the earth. Tuirlingt chun (an) talaimh, to descend to earth. Bhí an ghrian ag dul i d~, the sun was setting. 3. Dry land. Ar an ~ tirim, on dry land. Ar amharc talún, in sight of land. ~ a bhaint amach, to reach land. Chuaigh sé ann de thalamh, he went there by land. S.a. gaoth11(a).4. Surface of ground. (a)Ar chothrom na talún, level with the ground. Suí ar an ~, to sit on the ground. Thit sé ar an ~, it fell on the ground. Síos go ~, down to the ground. Ó mhullach go ~, from top to bottom. Tógadh ó thalamh, amach ón ~, mé, I was lifted off the ground, I jumped with fright. (b)Os cionn talún, above ground; alive. Faoi thalamh, underground. Rud a chur i d~, sa ~, to plant, to bury, sth. in the ground. Sáigh sa ~ é, stick it in the ground. Poll sa ~, hole in the ground. Chuaigh an coinín i d~, the rabbit went underground. S.a. ceann12(a), cloch11(c), cos 1, eidhneán 1, éirí 2(h), inis23, maidhm11, scuabadh 2, tinneas 2, tuile 3, uisce 3. 5. Land, soil. ~ ard, high ground, upland. ~ íseal, low ground, lowland. ~ sléibhe, mountain land. ~ créafóige, gairbhéil, clayey, gravelly, land. ~ éadrom, méith, light, rich, soil. ~ innilte, grazing land. ~ cruithneachta, land (suitable) for growing wheat. An ~ a shileadh, a oibriú, a leasú, to drain, work, fertilize, the land. S.a. bán313, briste 2(a), curaíocht 1, féarach1. 6. Total extent of land; territory, country. ~ na hÉireann, the land of Ireland. Ar thalamh Árann, on Aran soil. Níl sé ar, faoi, thalamh an domhain aon fhear a dhéanfadh é, there is not in all the world a man who could do it. Ní fheadar ó thalamh an domhain, I don’t know on earth. An tír thalaimh, the whole country. Níl sé ar tír ná ar ~, it is nowhere on earth. Is olc an scéal i dtír nó i d~ é, it is a terrible thing to happen anywhere. An T~ Naofa, the Holy Land. 7. Property in land. ~ a cheannach, to buy land. Tá teach is ~ aige, he has a house and land. Níl ~ ná trá acu, they own nothing. Ar mo chuid talaimh, on my land. Ceist talún, land question. S.a. leithead 1 (b), tiarna 2 (c).8. Spot of ground. An ~ a bhfuil mé i mo sheasamh air, the ground on which I stand. Is é seo an ~ agat, you are in the right place; now is your chance. An ~ a sheasamh ar dhuine, to stand one’s ground against s.o. Do thalamh a chomhaireamh, to work out one’s position. 9. Land under water. ~ tanaí, shallow ground. ~ salach, foul ground. Chuaigh an soitheach i d~, the ship ran aground. 10. Solid base (for discussion, understanding). Ar thalamh slán, on safe ground. Tá ~ slán againn sa mhéid sin, we are on sure ground in that respect. ~ slán a dhéanamh de rud, to take sth. for granted. Is deacair ~ ar bith a dhéanamh de, it is hard to make any sense of it. 11. Ó thalamh, fundamentally, thoroughly. Rud a scrúdú ó thalamh, to examine sth. thoroughly. Tá an t-ádh ó thalamh ort, you are extremely lucky. Amadán ó thalamh, an utter fool. Bhuail mé ó thalamh é, I gave him a sound beating. Thug sí dó ó thalamh é, she gave him a real scolding. 12. Fig:~ a dhéanamh, to gain ground. Rinneamar ~ maith inniu, we made good progress today. Níl sé ag déanamh mórán talaimh leis, he is not getting on very well at it. ~ a bhaint de dhuine, to gain ground on s.o.
Talamh, airgead, go h~, plenty of land, of money.
Tá teach agus talamh aige, he has a house and land.
Tá an talamh ~ bán, the land is lying fallow.
Tá an talamh sin ~ le trí bliana, that land has been in lea for three years.
~ a chur ar an talamh, to put farmyard manure on the land.
Talamh ~, easily-worked land.
Ar neamh, ar talamh, ar tír, in heaven, on earth, on land.
Cnoc, talamh, ~, high hill, ground.
Rud a ardú ón talamh, to raise sth. off the ground.
A~ neimhe agus talún, the Supreme Ruler of heaven and earth.
~ thalún, milfoil, yarrow.
~ a chur sa talamh, to put a peg, a short stake, in the ground.
Talamh báite, flooded, water-logged, land.
Tá an talamh balctha, the soil is a solid mass.
~ fearainn, talún, townland.
Beatha a bhaint as an talamh, to make a living out of the land.
Bia a bhaint den talamh, den fharraige, to get food from the land, the sea.
Tá an císte, an talamh, ina bhalc, the cake, the ground, is baked hard.
13. Talamh ~, fallow land; lea, grass-land.
Bhánaigh sé a chuid talaimh, he cleared his land (of stock, crops).
Ar bharr talaimh, overground.
Teacht ar ~ (uisce, talaimh), to break the surface (of water, soil).
Talamh ~, hallowed ground.
Do bheatha a bhaint den, as an, talamh, to make a living from the land.
A thalamh is a bheatha, his land and livelihood.
Talamh ~, arable land.
~ talaimh, bit, parcel, of land.
Talamh ~, unproductive land.
Talamh, fód, ~, soft, yielding, ground, sod.
~ talaimh, poor, stony, land.
Fearann, talamh, branair, fallow land.
Réimse ~ talaimh, fine, large, tract of land.
Talamh ~, friable land.
Talamh a bhriseadh, to cultivate, reclaim, land.
Talamh ~, cultivated land.
Talamh ~, miry land.
I m~ talún, in the bowels of the earth.
Uisce ag ~adh aníos as an talamh, water bursting up from the ground.
~ talún, (patch, stretch, of) low-lying land.
Talamh ~, stubborn land.
~ ar oidhreacht, ar thalamh, ar thobac, tax on inheritance, on land, on tobacco.
Talamh ~tha, baked earth.
~ talún, one-eighth of an (Irish) acre.
Bhí a dhá cheann i dtalamh, he was bent low over his work, drudging.
~ talún, head landlord.
Talamh a chéimniú, to step land.
~ talún, ground fog.
~ ó thalamh, apogee.
Thug sé an talamh chun cineáil, he brought the land to its natural state of fertility.
Gach aon chinneas talamh, everyone who walks the earth.
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