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breith could be a grammatical form of: beir »
To achieve a victory, bua a bhreith.
To take advantage of s.o., buntáiste a bhreith ar dhuine; suí i mbun duine.
I agree with his decision, tigim lena bhreith.
Appeal from a sentence, achomharc in aghaidh breithe.
To appeal from a judgment, achomharc m a dhéanamh in aghaidh breithe.
To avail oneself of the opportunity, breith ar an bhfaill.
To make an award, breith a thabhairt; dámhachtain a dhéanamh.
For (ever and) aye, go brách na breithe, go deo na ndeor.
It is under the ban of public opinion, tá breith an phobail ina aghaidh.
Bearing of child, breith f clainne.
To beat s.o. at a game, bua a bhreith ar dhuine i gcluiche, cluiche a chur ar dhuine. S.a. HOLLOW1 II.
Premature birth, breith roimh an am, breith anabaí.
(Of jury) To bring in a verdict, breith a thabhairt (ar chás).
To catch s.o. doing sth., breith ar dhuine ag déanamh ruda éigin.
To catch s.o. up (in a speech), breith gearr ar dhuine,
To catch s.o. up, v.i. to catch up with s.o., teacht suas le duine, coinneáil le duine, breith ar dhuine.
He has a wide choice, tá breith agus dá rogha aige.
If I could pick and choose, dá bhfaighinn breith is dá rogha.
Close (up)on nine o'clock, ag breith suas ar an naoi (a chlog); i ngar don naoi.
(Of wrestlers) To come to a close, breith isteach ar a chéile.
To compete with s.o. in talent, ardour, bheith ag breith barr ó dhuine le héirim, le dúthracht.
To connect with a train, breith ar thraein.
To cut s.o. short, breith gearr ar dhuine.
He decided against me, thug sé breith i m'aghaidh.
Judgment by default, breith f a los éagmaise.
To detect s.o. in the act, breith ar dhuine san fhoghail.
To take s.o. at a disadvantage, buntáiste a bhreith ar dhuine.
To dot and carry one, (i) poncú agus aon a bhreith chun cinn, (ii) F: imeacht ag bacadradh.
To enfold s.o. in one's arms, barróg a bhreith ar dhuine.
To enslave hearts, greim a bhreith ar chroíthe (daoine); cluain a chur ar dhaoine.
For ever and ever, go deo deo, go deo na ndeor, go brách na breithe.
Their name liveth for evermore, mairfidh a n-ainm go brách na breithe.
To decide in favour of s.o., in s.o.'s favour, breith a thabhairt i bhfabhar duine.
Rough to the feel, garbh le breith air, le mothú.
The umpire's decision is final, níl dul thar bhreith an mholtóra.
To find s.o. guilty, breith chiontach a thabhairt ar dhuine.
To find for s.o., breith a thabhairt i bhfabhar duine.
F: I am not going to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for him, ní chuirfeadsa mé féin i gcontúirt chun breith ar a aithreachas a thabhairt dósan.
To come in an easy first (of the competition), tosach a bhreith go réidh (ar na hiomaitheoirí).
To take s.o. flagrante delicto, breith maol ar dhuine.
To fling one's arms round s.o.'s neck, barróg a bhreith ar mhuineál ar dhuine.
To catch sth. flying, breith ar rud san aer.
To embrace s.o. fondly, barróg cheana a bhreith ar dhuine.
F: To take time by the forelock, breith ar an uain ar an urla; deis a thapú.
Sp: To fumble the ball, breith breallach ar an liathróid.
Fb: To gather the ball, breith ar an liathróid.
To give a decision, breith a thabhairt.
Judgment went for the plaintiff, tugadh an bhreith i leith an ghearánaí.
To go behind a decision, breith a shárú.
To grab (hold of) sth., greim (tobann) a bhreith ar rud; rud a aimsiú de phreib.
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