Trade dodges, cleasa ceirde.
To introduce s.o. to a trade, buneolas ceirde a thabhairt do dhuine.
Skilled labour, ceardaithe mpl, lucht m ceirde; oibrithe mpl oilte.
The niceties of a craft, mionphointí ceirde.
A professed spy, spiaire ceirde.
The profession, (i) an t-aos ceirde; lucht na ceirde; (esp.) (ii) F: an t-aos m amharclainne.
A professional mechanic, meicneoir cáilithe, ceirde.
Professionals, lucht m ceirde, gairme.
The tricks of the trade, ealaín f na ceirde.
Sound workmanship, feabhas ceirde.
The worst of all trades, díogha m gach ceirde.