worst1 . 1 a. Is measa; (past) ba mheasa. His worst mistake, an dearmad is measa aige. 2 s. An ceann m(an duine m, etc.) is measa. The worst of the storm is over, tá an chuid is measa den stoirm thart. The worst of all trades, díogha m gach ceirde. That's the worst of cheap shoes, sin mo locht ar bhróga saora. When things were at their worst, an uair ba mheasa an saol. We got the worst of it (in a fight), rugadh bua orainn. If the worst comes to the worst, má théann an scéal, an chúis, go cnámh na huillinne. Do your worst! déan do dhícheall! The worst is soon over, is gearr go mbíonn an chuid is measa thart. 3 adv. The man who works worst, an fear is measa a oibríonn. The worst educated, an té is lú oideachas.
worst2, v.tr. Cloím, beirim bua ar. I was worsted, buadh orm; buaileadh mé.
He got the worst of the bargain, is air a chuaigh meath an mhargaidh.
The worst of it is that . . ., is é an chuid is measa den scéal go . . .