He applied himself to his work, chaith sé dúthracht lena chuid oibre.
We were caught up in this wave of enthusiasm, scuab an taom dúthrachta seo leis sinn.
To compete with s.o. in talent, ardour, bheith ag breith barr ó dhuine le héirim, le dúthracht.
He devoted himself to the work, thug sé é féin suas don obair, chaith sé a dhúthracht leis an obair.
Devotion to work, dúthracht chun oibre.
In the first glow of enthusiasm, nuair a baineadh an dúthracht i dtosach.
His zeal knows no bounds, tá dúthracht as cuimse ann.
Mistaken zeal, dúthracht gan dearcadh.
His zeal outruns his discretion, téann ag a dhúthracht ar a stuaim.
To take pains over sth., dúthracht a chaitheamh le rud.
That's how he rewarded me for my zeal, sin mar a chúitigh sé mo dhúthracht liom.
To spend time, care, on work, am, dúthracht, a chaitheamh i gceann oibre.
To stir up s.o.'s zeal, duine a ghríosú chun dúthrachta.
To swot at mathematics, dúthracht a chaitheamh le matamaitic.
To work with a will, oibriú le fonn, le dúthracht.