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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for will »
will1, s. 1 a Toil f -ola. Will of iron, iron will, intinn dhiongbháilte, toil dhaingean. He has a will of his own, tá sé dáigh as a intinn féin. Man lacking strength of will, duine lagintinneach, lagspeosach. To exercise one's will, do thoil a chur i gcion. The will to victory, to win, rún buaite. To take the will for the deed, creidiúint a thabhairt don dea-rún. Where there's a will there's a way, fonn a dhéanas fiach. S.a. FREE WILL. b To work with a will, oibriú le fonn, le dúthracht. 2 Toil f, mian f. The will of God, toil Dé. Thy will be done, go ndéantar do thoil. It is my will that you should do it, is mian liom go ndéanfá é. To work one's will upon s.o., duine a chur faoi do chomhairle; do thoil a chur abhaile ar dhuine. Such is our will and pleasure, sin é is toil agus is mian linn. At will, de réir do thola, mar is mian leat. Tenants at will, tionóntaí ar toil. He had his will, (i) fuair sé a mhian; (ii) rinne sé a chomhairle féin. Carried at the will of the wind,. imithe ar bharr na gaoithe. He did it of his own free will, dá dheoin féin a rinne sé é. I did it against my will, in éadan mo thola a rinne mé é. To act against s.o.'s will, dul in aghaidh tola duine. 3 Good will, dea-thoil f -ola. Ill will, mírún m. S.a. GOODWILL, ILL-WILL. 4 Jur: Uacht f -a. The last will and testament of . . ., uacht bháis . . . To make one's will, d'uacht a dhéanamh.
will2, v.tr. 1 a Toilím. God has willed it so, sin mar a d'ordaigh, mar a dheonaigh, Dia é. Fate willed (it) that he should die, ba é an bás a bhí i ndán dó. When I will to move my arm . . ., nuair is mian liom mo lámh a chorraí . . . Those who willed the war, an mhuintir a bhí ag iarraidh an chogaidh. As we will the end we must will the means, más toil linn an chríoch caithfimid toiliú leis na dóigheanna. b To will s.o. to do, into doing, sth., do thoil a chur i bhfeidhm ar dhuine le rud a dhéanamh. He willed the genie into his presence, chuir sé d'fhiacha ar an nginid teacht ina fhianaise. 2 Fágaim (rud) le huacht. To will one's property away from s.o., duine a fhágáil amach as d'uacht.
will, modal aux.v. def. I Is mian liom. 1 a A: What wilt thou? cad is mian leat? cad is áil leat? What would they? cad ba mhian leo? cad atá siad a iarraidh? b Do as you will, déan do chomhairle féin; déan mar a thograíonn tú féin. The place where I would be, an áit ar mhaith liom a bheith. What would you have me do? cad ba mhaith leat a dhéanfainn? Say what you will, you will not be believed, is cuma cad a déarfas tú, ní chreidfear tú. Look which way you will. . ., is cuma cá dtabharfaidh tú d'aghaidh . . ., cibé áit a bhféachfair . . . c (Optative) (I) would (that) I were at home, is mairg nach bhfuil sa bhaile. Would to God, would to heaven, it were not true, b'fhéidir le Dia nach fíor é; dá mba é toil Dé é gan a bheith fíor! 2 (Consent) I will not have it said that I deserted my friend for worldly gain, ní fhágfaidh mé le rá é gur thréig mé mo chara ar mo chuid. He could if he would, d'fhéadfadh sé a dhéanamh dá mba mhian leis é. The fire would not light, ní dheargfadh an tine. The engine won't work, tá ainghléas ar an inneall. Just wait a moment, will you? fan tamall beag, le do thoil. Would you kindly pass me the salt, cuir anall an salann chugam, le do thoil. I will have none of it, beir uaim é, beannaím uaim é. I will not have it, ní cheadóidh mé é; ní chuirfidh mé suas leis. Won't you sit down? bí i do shuí. Will you hold your tongue! nár chóir go dtostfá? nach n-éistfeá? 3 (Emphatic) Accidents will happen, bíonn an tubaiste ann; ní leithne an t-aer ná an timpiste. He will have it that I was mistaken, ní ghéillfidh sé ach go raibh dearmad orm. He will have his own way, will the doctor, beidh a chomhairle féin ag an dochtúir, beidh sin. I lost my purse -- You would! chaill mé mo sparán -- Is tú a dhéanfadh é! 4 (Habit) This hen will lay up to six eggs a week, beireann, béarfaidh, an chearc seo suas le sé huibhe sa tseachtain. She would often come home tired in the evening, is minic a tháinig sí chun an bhaile tráthnóna agus í tuirseach. 5 (Of conjecture) This will be your wife? seo do bhean is dóigh? II   will (As an auxiliary forming the future tenses.) 1 (Still expressing something of the speaker's will. So used in the first person) I will not be caught again, ní bhéarfar arís orm (deirimse leat). 2 (Expressing simple futurity. For 1st pers. see SHALL.) a Will he be there? He will, an mbeidh sé ann? Beidh. No, he will not, ní bheidh. But I shall starve! -- No, you won't, ach gheobhaidh mé bás den ocras -- Ní bhfaighir, maise. You won't forget, will you? ní dhéanfaidh tú dearmad de, ar ndóigh? You will write to me, won't you? scríobhfaidh tú chugam, nach scríobhfair? He told me he would be there, dúirt sé liom go mbeadh sé ann. b (In injunctions) You will be here at three o'clock, bí, beidh tú, anseo ar a trí a chlog. 3 He would come if you invited him, thiocfadh sé dá dtabharfá cuireadh do.
Prov: Accidents will happen, nuair a thig an chaill tig an fhaill; ní leithne an t-aer ná an timpiste.
He will never achieve anything, ní thiocfaidh sé choíche in éifeacht.
I am afraid he will die, is eagal liom go bhfuil an bás aige.
I am afraid that he will not come, is eagal liom nach dtiocfaidh sé.
I did it against my will, in éadan mo thola a rinne mé é.
His speech will be put on the air, craolfar a chuid cainte.
He will do it better than any man alive, níl aon fhear beo a dhéanfas é chomh maith leis.
Circumstances will not allow it, mar atá na gnóthaí níl sé indéanta.
He will never amount to much, ní thiocfaidh sé in éifeacht choíche.
Prov: Talk of angels and you will hear the flutter of their wings, tagann gach aon rud lena iomrá (ach an madra rua agus an marbhánach).
An answer will oblige, freagra le do thoil.
That will answer my purpose, déanfaidh sin scoth gnóthaí dom.
I will answer for him, beidh mise freagrach as.
I will answer for it that . . ., rachaidh mise i mbannaí go . . .
Will you have any more tea? an n-ólfaidh tú tuilleadh tae?
Anyone will tell you so, déarfaidh gach uile dhuine leat é.
As will presently appear, mar a fheicfear ar ball beag.
I hope it will meet with your approval, tá súil agam go mbeidh tú sásta leis.
It will be decided by the arbitrament of war, cogadh a shocrós é.
He will keep silent, as I am an honest man, ní labhróidh sé aon fhocal, rachaidh mise i mbannaí.
I assume that he will come, is é mo bharúil go dtiocfaidh sé.
He will do it, I assure you! déanfaidh sé é, deirimse leat, geallaimse duit.
No attempt will be made to . . ., ní dhéanfar iarraidh ar bith ar ...
I will do it or perish in the attempt, déanfaidh mé é nó caillfidh mé m'anam leis.
We will now turn our attention to . . ., tabharfaimid ár n-aghaidh anois ar ...
The matter will receive careful attention, breithneofar an scéal go beacht.
I'll be glad to see his back, beidh áthas orm nuair a fheicfeas mé ag imeacht é.
He will come to a bad end, beidh drochdheireadh air.
I’ll go bail that..., rachaidh mé i mbannaí go...
All truths will not bear telling, ní bhíonn an fhírinne ininste i gcónaí.
It will not be long before we see him again, ní fada go bhfeicimid arís é.
I will die before I yield, b'fhearr liom mo bhás ná géilleadh.
To bend to s.o.'s will, umhlú do thoil duine, géilleadh do dhuine.
I’ll take (up) your bet, cuirfidh mé leat. S.a. EVEN2 3.
I'll bet ten to one that . . ., cuirfidh mé deich gcinn ar an gceann go ...
I'll bet you anything you like, cuirfidh mé do rogha geall leat; cuirfidh mé a bhfuil agam leat.
You will find no better hotel, ní bhfaighidh tú a bhualadh, a shárú, mar theach aíochta.
You'll be (all) the better for that, is fearrde thú sin.
I'll beat him black and blue, fágfaidh mé dath bhonn mo bhróg air, buailfidh mé droma daraí air.
(I'll be) blest if I know, deamhan a fhios agam beirthe.
Prov: Blood will tell, gach uige mar a hábhar.
I'll be blowed if . . ., go mbeire an diabhal leis mé má . . ., damnú orm má...
F: He'll come, I’ll be bound, tiocfaidh sé, rachaidh mé i mbannaí.
Boys will be boys, caithfidh an óige a seal a thabhairt; ní féidir ceann críonna a chur ar ghuaillí óga.
Prov: Breed will tell, gach uige mar a hábhar.
What the future will bring forth, an rud a thiocfas leis an aimsir.
I do not doubt but that he will come, níl amhras ar bith orm nach, ná go, dtiocfaidh sé.
Who will do it but me? cé eile a dhéanfas é ach mise?
(With gerund) By doing that you will offend him, má dhéanann tú sin cuirfidh tú fearg air.
He will be here by three o'clock, beidh sé anseo roimh a trí a chlog.
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