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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for drop »
drop1, s. 1 a Braon m. Water falling drop by drop, uisce ag sileadh anuas braon ar bhraon. It's only a drop in the bucket, in the ocean, níl ann ach sú talún i mbéal buláin. A drop of wine, braon fíona. I didn't get a drop to drink, ní bhfuair mé fliuchadh mo bhéil. F: To take a drop, braon a ól. He has had a drop too much, tá braon thar an gceart ólta aige. b (Of necklace, chandelier, etc.) Siogairlín m. c Chocolate drop, meallán m seacláide. S.a. ACID 1. 2 Titim f. Drop in the ground, titim sa talamh. Drop in prices, ísliú m luachanna. 3 a (Of lock) Claibín m. b Th: =DROP-CURTAIN. c (In gallows) Comhla f thógála.
drop2. I v.i. 1 Sileann anuas, titeann braon ar bhraon. 2 Titeann; (of ground) tá ag ísliú; tá ag dul le fána. A remark dropped from him, sciorr focal uaidh. He dropped into the chair, chaith sé é féin sa chathaoir. He almost dropped (with surprise), is beag nár thit sé as a sheasamh (le hiontas). I am ready to drop, táim i riocht titim (leis an tuirse), táim ag titim as mo sheasamh. S.a. PIN1 1. 3 (Of prices, temperature, wind) Titeann. 4 There the matter dropped, fágadh an scéal mar sin, ní raibh ann níos mó. 5 a He dropped to the rear, d'fhan sé chun deiridh. (Of pers., car, etc.) He (it) dropped into place, chuaigh sé isteach ina áit féin (sa líne), b He dropped into the habit, the way, of. .., rinne sé cleachtadh de ... 6 a He dropped into the shop on his way back, bhuail sé isteach, sheas sé, sa siopa ar a bhealach ar ais. b To drop upon, across, s.o., bualadh le duine. 7 To drop (up)on s.o. (like a ton of bricks), teacht anuas sa mhullach ar dhuine (go trom). II 1 v.tr. Silim (deora). To drop oil into sth., ola a chur ina braonta i rud. 2 a Ligim (do rud) titim; ligim síos (cuirtín); (in knitting) ligim (lúb) ar lár. Rugby: To drop a goal, cúl a fháil le dropchic. To drop the pilot, an píolóta a chur ar tír. To drop a perpendicular to, on, a line, ingear a ligean, ingear a thógáil, ar líne. S.a. ANCHOR1, BRICK1 1. b (Of sheep, etc.) Beireann (uan). c Sciorrann (focal) uaim; imíonn (focal) orm. To drop a word in s.o.'s ear, focal a chur i gcluais duine. S.a. HINT1 . d To drop a letter into the letter box, litir a chur isteach i mbosca na litreacha. To drop s.o. a line, a card, cúpla focal, cárta, a chur chun duine. 3 Caillim (airgead)(over sth., de bharr ruda). 4 (Cause to drop) Leagaim anuas (lacha fhiáin, eitleán, etc.). 5 (Set down) I shall drop you at your door, fágfaidh mé ag an doras thú. Will you drop this parcel at Walsh's? an leagfaidh tú an beartán seo tigh an Bhreatnaigh? 6 Ligim ar lár (litir, siolla). 7 Íslím (na súile, an guth). 8 a Éirím as, tréigim, tugaim suas (obair, béas, gnó, etc.). He dropped the idea of doing it, chaith sé as a cheann é a dhéanamh. Let us drop the subject, scoirimis de mar scéal, caithimis tharainn é. Drop it! éirigh as! leag as! b To drop s.o.'s acquaintance, to drop s.o., cúl a thabhairt do dhuine.
Acid drops, milseáin aigéid.
To come, to drop, across a person, casadh ar duine (de thaisme).
To let go, drop, the anchor, an t-ancaire a chur.
Big drop in prices, laghdú mór ar luach.
F: To drop a brick, tuaiplis f a dhéanamh. S.a. WALL1 .
(Of stranger, etc.) He dropped from the clouds, tháinig sé gan fhios, agus gan aon tsúil leis.
He dropped down dead, thit sí fuar marbh.
The members of the family have dropped away, tá an chlann scaipthe.
To drop in on s.o., seasamh istigh ag duine.
F: He dropped off to sleep, thit sé ina chodladh.
To drop out of a contest, éirí as an iomaíocht.
Two of the runners dropped out, thug beirt de na reathaithe suas.
Dropped axle, fearsaid ligthe.
Av: He dropped to earth, thuirling sé chun talaimh.
I felt fit to drop, bhíos i riocht titim as mo sheasamh.
To drop one's h’s, na ‘h’-anna a bhá.
To give, to drop, s.o. a hint, leid, nod a thabhairt do dhuine.
Just a little drop, braon beag bídeach.
Drop kick, dropchic f.
He would not touch the least drop, ní bhlaisfeadh sé deoir dá laghad.
To drop, fall, to leeward, titim le gaoth.
F: To drop s.o. a line, focal a scríobh chun duine.
Drop lubricator, bealaitheoir silteach.
To throw off, drop, the mask, éirí as an gcur i gcéill.
Not a drop was drunk, níor óladh braon féin.
The drops in the ocean are not more numerous, ní lia braon sa mhuir.
Peppermint (-drop, -lozenge), milseán m miontais.
F: You could have heard a pin drop, chloisfeá biorán beag ag titim.
To drop the reins, éirí as, tabhairt suas.
I have dropped a stitch, thit lúb orm.
He had a drop taken, bhí braon faoin bhfiacail aige.
A dropped thread (in weaving), snáithe silte.
Voltage drop, titim voltais.
A wee drop of whiskey, fídeog f fuisce.
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