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fiacla could be a grammatical form of: fiacail »
F: To cut s.o.'s claws, na fiacla a tharraingt as duine.
False teeth, fiacla fpl bréige.
P: Frantic toothache, doightheacha fpl (fiacla) nimhe.
To gnash one's teeth, díoscán, díoscarnach, a bhaint as na fiacla.
Her teeth are gone, tá na fiacla caillte aici.
To grind sth. between one's teeth, rud a chogaint faoi na fiacla.
Grinders, fiacla fpl; foireann mheilte.
To grit one's teeth, na fiacla a ghearradh, a chogaint.
Wheel with inserted teeth, roth agus fiacla ann.
To make s.o.'s mouth water, uisce a chur le fiacla duine.
To mutter an oath, mionn a rá trí na fiacla.
To set one's teeth, na fiacla a theannadh ar a chéile.
He showed his teeth at me, scamh sé na fiacla chugam.
Steps of a key, fiacla fpl eochrach.
Mec.E: Stub teeth, fiacla giortacha.
He complimented her with his tongue in his cheek, moladh ó na fiacla amach a rinne sé uirthi.
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