fiacail, f. (gs. ~e, pl. -cla). 1. Tooth. (a) ~ diúil, forais, milk-, wisdom, tooth. Fiacla bréige, false teeth. ~ a ghearradh, to cut a tooth. ~ a tharraingt, a stoitheadh, to pull a tooth. ~ a bhaint as duine, to knock a tooth out of s.o.’s mouth. Uisce a chur le fiacla duine, to make s.o.’s mouth water. Ní bhfaighidh tú é dá dtitfeadh na fiacla asat, you won’t get it no matter how much you crave it. Rud a chur faoi d’fhiacail, to hold sth. in one’s mouth and chew it; to ponder on sth. Cuir sin faoi d’fhiacail (agus cogain é), put that in your pipe and smoke it. Leag mé faoin bh~ aige é; dúirt mé suas lena fhiacla é, I cast it in his teeth. Bhí siad ag tabhairt na bhfiacla dá chéile, they were snapping at each other. Rud a rá faoi d’fhiacla, to mutter sth. Níor chuir sé ~ ann; níor leag sé ~ air, he did not mince his words. Dúirt sé trína fhiacla é, he said it between his teeth. Prov: Ní mhilleann dea-ghlór ~; níor bhris focal maith ~ riamh, a kind word is always welcome. (b) Fiacla círe, sáibh, teeth of comb, of saw. Fiacla cléithe, bráca, tusks of harrow. Fiacla rotha, cogs of wheel. Fiacla eochrach, steps of key. Fiacla a chur i rud, to tooth sth. Is deacair fiacla a chur i gcúl corráin, [’it is hard to put teeth in the back of a reaping-hook’, to reason with a numskull. (c) ~ (charraige), projecting, toothlike, rock. (d) Bot: ~ chú, dog’s-tooth. 2. Edge, verge. ~ aille, edge of cliff. Ba chúng ~ leis nó dul tríd, he was determined to push his way through. (Var: gpl. fiacal)
Bhí na fiacla ag ~t air, his teeth were troubling him.
Fiacail a bhaint amach, to extract a tooth.
Thit sé ar a bhéal is ar a shrón, (a aghaidh, a fhiacla), he fell flat on his face.
Fiacail bhog, loose tooth.
~ fiacla, loosening of teeth.
~ crainn, coinnle, fiacaile, stump of tree, of candle, of tooth.
Tá ~ air ó chaill sé na fiacla, his mouth has sunk since he lost his teeth.
Tá ~ éigin faoina fhiacail, (i) there is something gritty between his teeth, (ii) there is something irritating him.
Ní mó liom é ná ~ faoi m’fhiacail, I regard it merely as a petty annoyance.
~ d’fhiacail, de chos, big flat tooth, foot.
~ fiacla, crunch of teeth.
Na fiacla a chogaint, to grind one’s teeth.
4. ~ fiacla, teething pains.
Tá an chruimh faoin bhfiacail, sa tsróin, aige dúinn, he has it in for us, he nurses a resentment against us.
Daitheacha fiacaile, toothache.
Ní mhilleann ~ fiacail, a kind word is always welcome.
Chuir sé ~ i m’fhiacla, it set my teeth on edge.
~ fiacla, grinding of teeth.
~ fiacla, gnashing of teeth.
~ bhreá fiacla, fine set of teeth.
Níl fiacail ina dhrandal, he has lost all his teeth.
1. Carraig, fiacail, a dhruileáil, to drill a rock, a tooth.
~ fiacla, rabid desire to eat.
Chuir sé ~ i m’fhiacla, it set my teeth on edge.
Fiacla rotha a ghabháil, to mesh the teeth of a wheel.
D’aghaidh, d’fhiacla, a ghlanadh, to clean one’s face, one’s teeth.
Ceannaithe, fiacla, ~a, coarse features, teeth.
Fiacail a ~adh, to fill a tooth.
~ i bhfiacail, filling in tooth.
~ fiacaile, súile, socket of tooth, of eye.
~ fiacaile, scine, tooth-, knife-, mark.
~ fiacaile, mark of mouth (in horse).
Ag ~t faoina fhiacla, muttering in his teeth.
Fiacla a ~adh, to bare teeth.
Fiacail a phiocadh, to pick a tooth.
~ scine, fiacaile, knife-, tooth-, mark.