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He didn't leave a crumb, níor fhág sé oiread na fríde.
Not a jot, not one jot or tittle, faic na fríde, dada.
Ever so little, oiread na fríde, fíorbheagán.
There is not a mite left, níl oiread na fríde fágtha.
A (small) modicum of. . ., oiread na fríde de . . ., beagáinín de.
Nothing at all, faic na fríde; dada ar bith.
A shade of anxiety came over his face, tháinig fríd na himní ar a ghnúis.
F: There isn't a shred of evidence, níl oiread na fríde d'fhianaise ann.
Give me ever so little (and I shall be satisfied), tabhair dom oiread na fríde (agus beidh mé sásta).
A mere speck, oiread m na fríde.
F: Not a stick was saved, níor sábháladh faic na fríde.
A tiny bit, oiread na fríde.
A trifle, beagán (éigin), oiread na fríde, buille beag.
A wee (little) bit, oiread na fríde.
Nothing whatever, faic na ngrást, na fríde.
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