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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for height »
height, s. 1 Airde f. Wall six feet in height, balla troithe ar airde. Full height, airde rite. A man of average height, fear meán-ard. 2 Height above sea level, airde os cionn na farraige. 3 (Hill) Ard m. 4 Buaic f, airde f. In the height of his glory, in airde a réime. The height of folly, fíoramaidí; corp díth céille. At the height of the storm, san am ba thréine an stoirm. In the height of summer, i lár an tsamhraidh. The season is at its height, an séasúr faoi lán seoil. In the height of fashion, san fhaisean is nua.
According to age, height, de réir aoise, airde.
He is six feet in height, twenty years of age, twelve stone weight, throigh ar airde, fiche bliain d'aois, dhá chloch dhéag (meáchain).
They are of equal size, height, length, etc. siad ar chóimhéid, ar chomhairde, ar chomhfhad, etc.
Maximum flying-height, barrairde eitilte.
Av: Height gauge, airdemhéadar m.
It's the height of impertinence on his part, is sotalach an mhaise é.
Spain was then at the height of her power, bhí an Spáinn an t-am sin i mbuaic a réime.
The house stands upon a height, an teach thuas ar ard.
To top sth. in height, barr airde a bhreith ar rud.
Having reached the topmost height . . ., ar theacht go buaic . . .
A towering height, airde mhillteanach.
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