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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for history »
history, s. 1 Stair f. F: That's ancient history, seanscéal agus meirg air é sin. He knows the inner history of the affair, tá bun agus barr an scéil aige. History-book, leabhar m staire. 2 Natural history, eolas m ar an nádúr. 3 Mil: Navy: History sheet, cáipéis f pearsan.
This is bad history, stair bhréagach é seo.
To bring down a history to modern times, stair a thabhairt aniar, go dtí an lá inniu.
By-ways of history, póicíní na staire.
I came a cropper in history, chlis an stair orm.
To be ignorant of history, a bheith dall, aineolach, ar an stair.
To lecture on history, léachtaí a thabhairt ar an stair.
A lecture on history, léacht ar an stair.
History paper; páipéar staire.
Sacred History, stair naofa.
Scripture history, stair dhiaga.
Sch: I got stuck in history, d'fheall an stair orm.
The history paper was a stinker, bhí páipéar na staire an-ghránna.
History as such, an stair ina cáilíocht féin.
I could not touch the history paper, ní fhéadfainn lámh ar bith a dhéanamh ar an bpáipéar staire.
Troubled period (of history), ré corrach, achrannach (staire).
The turning-points of history, crosbhealaí mpl na staire.
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