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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for hole »
hole1, s. Poll m. 1 a Prochóg f, sáinn f, poll m. F: He is in a hole, tá sé sa dol; tá sé i sáinn. b Poll m (coinín). c F: Dead and alive hole, ruta marbhánta. 2 Poll m; (of strap) súil f. Mec.E: Inspection hole, poll m breithnithe. To bore a hole, poll a ghearradh. To wear a hole in a garment, poll a chur i mball éadaigh. (Of garment) To wear, go, into holes, poill a dhéanamh. Stockings in holes, stocaí pollta. To make a hole in sth., poll a chur i rud. To knock holes in an argument, na cosa a bhaint d'argóint.
hole2 . 1 v.tr. a Pollaim (rud); cuirim poll i (rud). b (Golf) To hole the ball, an liathróid a chur sa pholl. 2 v.i. Pollann.
Air-holes of bellows, poll gaoithe boilg.
Money burns his fingers, burns a hole in his pocket, mheilfeadh airgead ina mhéara.
F: To wear a button-hole, pabhsae brollaigh a chaitheamh.
Button-hole stitch, greim m lúbóige.
To button-hole s.o., bleid a bhualadh ar dhuine; duine a gheafáil.
Countersink (hole), leacóg f.
Full of holes, lán de phoill; ina chriathar poll.
Golf: Halved hole, poll comhroinnte.
Inspection hole, súil choimeádta (i gcomhla).
Judas(-hole), (-trap), poll m cúlchoimeádta.
To knock a hole in, through, sth., poll a bhriseadh ar, i, rud.
Knot-hole, poll cranra.
To let a strap out one hole, strapa a bhogadh poll.
To find a loop-hole of escape, poll éalaithe a aimsiú.
To open a hole in the wall, poll a bhriseadh ar an mballa.
F: He is a square peg in a round hole, is é an gabha ag déanamh bróg é.
F: To pick holes in sth., lochtaí a fháil ar rud.
Wall pierced with loop-holes, balla faoi phoill lámhaigh.
Placket(-hole), s. Oscailt f (i gcoim sciorta).
To plug (up) a hole, poll a stopadh, a chalcadh; stopallán a chur i bpoll.
To poke a hole in sth., rud a pholladh (le do mhéar, le maide, etc.).
Road full of pot-holes, bóthar lán de phoill.
To prick a hole in sth., poillín a chur i rud le bior.
To putty (up) a hole, poll a dhúnadh le puití.
To die like a rat in a hole, anbhás a fháil i dteannta gan chabhair gan chúnamh.
He scrambled through the hole, tharraing sé é féin tríd an bpoll.
To scratch a hole, poll a thochailt.
He squeezed himself through the hole, sháigh sé é féin tríd an bpoll.
F: To stick a rose in one's button-hole, rós a chur i do lúbóg.
To stuff up a hole, poll a líonadh, a dhingeadh, a stopadh.
To tear a hole in sth., poll a chur i rud.
Cu: Toad in the hole, buaf i bpoll.
The hole was too narrow for a mouse to come in by, bhí an poll róchúng ag luch le teacht isteach tríd.
We had a top-hole time, bhí an-spraoi againn.
The ball just trickled into the hole, ní raibh ann ach gur éalaigh an liathróid isteach sa pholl.
To wear sth. into holes, to wear holes into sth., rud a chaitheamh go dtiocfadh poill ann.
It wore into holes, rinne criathar poll de; rinne sé poill ar fad.
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