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Similar words: ionad · ionadú · ionladh · ionradh · iopadh
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I am astonished that. . ., is mór an t-ionadh liom go . . . .
He got over his surprise, d'imigh an t-ionadh de.
I was (all) the less surprised as he had already spoken about it, ba lúide m'ionadh mar go raibh labhartha aige cheana air.
F: It is a marvel to me that. . ., is mór an t-ionadh liomsa go . . .
She is, needless to say, very pleased, tá sí an-sásta, ní nach ionadh.
It is small wonder that . . ., is beag, suarach, an t-ionadh go . . .
I declined, as you may suppose, chuir mé suas dó, ní nach ionadh.
Don't be surprised at it, ná déan ionadh ar bith de, ná bíodh aon iontas ort faoi.
I am surprised to see you, is ionadh liom tú a fheiceáil anseo.
I should not be surprised if . . ., níorbh aon ionadh liom dá . . .
He died young, which was not surprising, cailleadh óg é, ní nach ionadh.
I am amazed that you go there at all, tá ionadh orm go dtéann tú ann, tú a dhul ann, in aon chor.
To the general surprise, rud a chur ionadh ar chách.
What wonder you are tired! cén t-iontas tuirse a bheith ort! cá hionadh do bheith tuirseach!
It is a wonder (that) he has not lost it, is mór an t-ionadh, is é an t-iontas, nár chaill sé é.
No wonder, little wonder, that the scheme failed, ní hionadh, ba suarach an t-ionadh, gur theip ar an scéim.
He is ill and no wonder, tá sé tinn, ní nach ionadh.
What wonder! cá hionadh!
I do not wonder at it, ní hionadh liom é.
I shouldn't wonder if . . ., níorbh aon ionadh liom, ní chuirfeadh sé lá iontais orm, dá . . .
I wonder he did not kill you, is ionadh liom nár mharaigh sé thú.
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