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He was backward in speaking, ba leasc leis labhairt.
I was diffident about speaking to him, ba leasc liom labhairt leis.
To disincline s.o. to sth., to do sth., duine a chlaonadh in aghaidh ruda, leisce a chur ar dhuine rud a dhéanamh.
For fear of mistakes, of making a mistake, ar fhaitíos an dearmaid, leisce an dearmaid.
Without the slightest hesitation, gan leisce dá laghad; F: gan fuacht gan faitíos.
He is incurably lazy, tá an leisce sa smior ann; leisceoir cruthanta é.
He is inherently lazy, tá an leisce sa chnámh ann.
F: To laze, to laze away one's time, leisce a dhéanamh; an t-am a chaitheamh le díomhaointeas.
The lazy man’s load, ualach ghiolla na leisce.
Lest I tell a lie, leisce na bréige.
I don't like to say it, is leasc liom é a rá.
I am loath to go there, tá leisce orm, is leasc liom, dul ann.
He did it, nothing loath, rinne sé é gan drogall, gan aon leisce.
He is mouldering in idleness, tá sé ag titim as a chéile leis an leisce.
He makes nothing of borrowing, ní leasc leis bheith ar na hiasachtaí.
I feel reluctant to..., is leasc liom...
F: Idleness rusts the mind, intinn dhall ag leadaí na leisce.
To be slack about doing sth., drogall, leisce, a bheith ort rud a dhéanamh.
To be sunk in sloth, bheith marbh ag an leisce.
To be slow to start sth., bheith leasc chun gnó a chur ar bun.
I have a sneaking regard for him, tá meas agam air, rud is leasc liom a admháil.
I went with him, so as not to displease him, chuas in éineacht leis, leisce míshásamh a chur air.
He is sunk in sloth, tá an leisce go smior ann.
Torpid liver, ae leasc.
F: I wouldn't touch them, ba leasc liom drannadh leo. S.a. BARGE-POLE, BOTTOM1 1, GROUND2 1.
Willing hands, lámha gan leisce.
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