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Similar words: bloc · lioc · lo · loca · loch
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He dared all things, níor loic sé roimh dhada.
He fell short of my expectations, loic sé orm, ní raibh sé chomh maith is bhí súil agam a bheadh sé.
Sheep-fold, loc m, banrach f (caorach).
He funked it, loic sé.
Abs. He gave up, ghéill, loic, stríoc, sé.
He jibbed at it, loic sé roimhe.
Hyd.E: Lift of a canal-lock, ardú m loc canála.
Hyd.E: To lock a boat, bád a thabhairt trí loc canála.
To manoeuvre s.o. into a corner, duine a locadh i gcoirnéal.
Car park, loca m carranna; áit pháirceála carranna.
Mil: Artillery park, loca m airtléire. . .
To open the sluices, na loc-chomhlaí a oscailt.
To up the swans, na healaí a locadh (lena marcáil).
Hyd.E: (Gate-, sluice-) valve, loc-chomhla.
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