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To put an affront on s.o., to offer an affront to s.o., masla cainte a thabhairt do dhuine; lasadh a bhaint as duine.
To suffer an affront (at the hands of s.o.), masla a fháil (ó dhuine).
To blackguard s.o., masla a thabhairt do dhuine, bheith ag filíocht ar dhuine.
He ended by insulting me, níor stad sé gur thug sé masla dhom.
Gratuitous insult, masla gan tuilleamh.
To heap insults on s.o., gach masla is measa ná a chéile a thabhairt do dhuine.
Injurious language, masla cainte.
F: To eat the leek, masla a fhulaingt go foighneach.
To be offensive to s.o., masla cainte a thabhairt do dhuine; bheith mímhúinte le duine.
To return an insult, masla a chaitheamh ar ais le duine.
To slang s.o., masla cainte, bearradh, sciolladh teanga, a thabhairt do dhuine.
The strain of modern life, masla m an tsaoil atá anois ann.
To swallow an affront, masla a fhulaingt; luí faoi mhasla.
Unwarranted insult, masla nár tuilleadh.
He writhed under the insult, ghoill an masla go dóite air.
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